Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Configure Pivot4J analytics with Mysql

Pivot4J, replacement of JPivot, is a java API for OLAP servers. It bundles most used features of an OLAP client (Drill down, Drill through …) along with an example of J2EE application (Pivot4J analytics) to fully understand the API.

First download Pivot4Janalytics, Mysql jdbc driver and Foodmart database. I’m using 0.9 war version and Mysql driver 5.0.8. A change in the version should not change anything in the upcoming steps.

Put the war in %TOMCAT%webapps folder and copy Mysql driver in \WEB-INF\lib. 

You can generate Mondrian schema using SpagoBI Studio, this video will guide you through the steps. Once you have the XML schema, Sales.xml for example, put it in WEB-INF directory.

Now go to pivot-config.xml file and update it with Mysql informations and Mondrian schema


Restart Tomcat and go to the URL of the application, if everything goes fine you should see the screen below:

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